COST – New Pricing Structure from September 2024

In recognition that some ECTs are not staying with a school to complete their full 2 years of induction we are changing from a one-off non-refundable fee of £500 for the Appropriate Body service, to a yearly payment.

Schools will be invoiced shortly after the ECT has been registered, authorised on ECT Manager, and commenced their induction. If the ECT leaves during or at the end of the year (3 terms, calculated from the start date) no further payment will be required. If they remain beyond this point to continue their induction the school will be charged for a 2nd year. Please note schools selecting the Core Induction programme will be subjected to a separate Fidelity Check charge on top of this (please see below).  

DfE Fully Funded Provider-Led Programme

£250 per ECT, per year or part year of their induction. NO HIDDEN EXTRAS!

Schools can choose to work with Ambition Institute, Teach First, UCL, Best Practice, Capita or Education Development Trust. All are accredited by the Department for Education to deliver a programme of face-to-face and online training to ECTs and their mentors through local delivery partners and on-line platforms, to cover the full content of the Early Career Framework. These programmes are funded by the Department for Education for Eligible schools and establishments.

The NWLTSH work in partnership with Ambition Institute, which received an Outstanding rating by Ofsted – Full Report Here.

DfE Accredited Materials – Core Induction Programme

For schools wishing to use the DfE accredited materials (Core) from any of the DfE accredited providers, we charge the school:

  • an annual charge of £350 for the Fidelity Checks
  • £250 per ECT, per year or part year of their induction. NO HIDDEN EXTRAS!

The additional fee is due to the statutory requirements of Fidelity checks throughout the length of induction for each ECT.

This service will provide schools with: 

  • A pre-induction Fidelity Check by the AB a term before the induction period starts to ensure the materials and sessions are in line with the statutory guidance for induction and meet the ECF induction programme standards. 
  • Three further Fidelity Checks during the two-year induction programme to quality assure the ECF core induction programme. 
  • QA visits, which includes an observation of a facilitated session, a review of the delivery material, interviews with the Induction Lead/Tutor, Mentors and ECTs.  

Funding & Eligibility for ECF based training (new update summer 2023)

How DfE funding for training based on the early career framework (ECF) works, and which schools, early career teachers and mentors are eligible for funding.

Appropriate Bodies Guidance: Induction and the early career framework (updated April 2024)

Induction for early career teachers (England) Statutory guidance for appropriate bodies, headteachers, school staff and governing bodies (Updated April 2024)      

Key Points

  • All qualified teachers who are employed in a relevant school in England must, by law, have completed an induction period satisfactorily, subject to specified exemptions.
  • Statutory induction is not a legal requirement to teach in FE or the independent sector, academies, free schools, but may be served in these settings.
  • Early Career Framework (ECF) based training is expected to be embedded as a central aspect of induction; it is not an additional training programme.
  • An appropriate body has the main quality assurance role within the induction process.
  • The appropriate body is responsible for checking that headteachers/principals have put in place an induction programme for the ECT and ensuring that this programme of support is clearly based on the ECF.
  • Monitoring and support throughout induction should be sufficient so that an ECT’s progress against the Teachers’ Standards is not unexpected when an ECT reaches a formal assessment point.