ECT Welcome and Induction Briefing Event for ECTs starting their 2-year Induction via Zoom: 

The aim of this event is to provide ECTs with a range of information about the entire induction process, what to expect and the statutory requirements of their induction period.

Thursday, 12th September 2024     2.00pm – 4.00pm
Tuesday, 17th September 20242.00pm – 4.00pm [Repeat]
Wednesday, 25th September 2024  3.30pm – 5.15pm [Repeat]

 *ECTs are only required to attend one of the above sessions delivered.

Induction Tutor Training session via Zoom:

This session is for new Induction Tutors or for existing Tutors/Leads wishing to have a refresh, it covers the roles and responsibilities of the Induction Tutor and information related to the whole induction period, including the statutory requirements.

Wednesday, 18th September 2024      3.45pm – 5.15pm
Tuesday, 24th September 2024     3.45pm – 5.15pm [Repeat]

*Induction Tutors are required to attend only one of the above sessions.